


A collection of deep Sky images from 2022

Barnard 33 Horsehead Nebula

Image taken with my TakFSQ85 but with a heavy crop. With my SXVR M25c CCD camera, 2.5 hours of 3 min unguided subs, 20 darks, flats and bias frames, on my EQ8 pro mount. I used a new Baader LP filter with this one, just to give it a try, seemed to work very well.

M45 The Pleiades AKA The seven sisters

This image was taken in December 2022 with my Tak FSQ85 and SXVR M25c CCD camera. it consists of approx 3 hours of 3 minute subs, plus 20 darks, flats and bias frames. Unguided on my EQ8 pro mount. Image was stacked and  processed in APP and a few adjustments in the new superb Affinity Plus software.

M20 Triffid Nebula

This image was taken through my previous scope which was a Meade series 5000 triplet refractor, on my Skywatcher EQ8 Mount, this was a great scope. Taken with my SXVR H18 mono camera, it was Autoguided with an Altair Astro 80mm maxiguider with a Lodestar V1 CCD guide camera.

It consists of 30 x 3min exposures through each LRGB filter, 10 x 3min darks, and 20 flats, stacked and processed in the superb Astropixelprocessor software, and just finished off in Photoshop. The star spikes were added with software for effect.

Caldwell 49 Rosette Nebula

This image was also taken through my previous scope which was a Meade series 5000 triplet refractor, on my Skywatcher EQ8 Mount, this was a great scope. Taken with my SXVR M25 OSC camera, it was Autoguided with an Altair Astro 80mm maxiguider with a Lodestar V1 CCD guide camera.

It consists of 30 x 3min exposures 10 x 3min darks, and 20 flats, stacked and processed in the superb Astropixelprocessor software, and just finished off in Photoshop.

M42 Great Orion Nebula

This image was taken through my previous scope which was a Meade series 5000 triplet refractor, on my Skywatcher EQ8 Mount. Taken with a modded Canon 1000D DSLR Camera, it was Autoguided with an Altair Astro 80mm maxiguider with a Lodestar V1 CCD guide camera.

An Astronomik CLS clip in light pollution filter was used

It consists of 30 x 3min exposures , 8 x 3min darks, and 10 flats, stacked and processed in the superb Astropixelprocessor software, and just finished off in Photoshop. 

Barnard 33 The horsehead Nebula

This image was taken through my previous scope which was a Meade series 5000 triplet refractor, on my Skywatcher EQ8 Mount, this was a great scope. Taken with a modded Canon 1000D DSLR, it was Autoguided with an Altair Astro 80mm maxiguider with a Lodestar V1 CCD guide camera.

It consists of 40 x 2min exposures, 10 x 2min darks, and 20 flats, stacked and processed in the superb Astropixelprocessor software, and just finished off in Photoshop. This is also heavily cropped, hence the grainy finish, not one of my better ones..

Site designed by Stewart